Are you Breathing?

Joseph Pilates once said “Breathing is the first act of life and the last”. When he created this work, breathing was one of his core principles. He taught the importance of filling the lungs with air and completely emptying them. To learn this cleansing breath in order to develop the lungs, stimulate muscle activity and assist flow of movement. I have to say i completely agree with him!

Our lungs are housed in our upper ribcage. If we inhale and think of expanding the ribs the air feels more directed into the lungs. It also exercises the intercostal muscles between the ribs, these often get very fixed. We call this Lateral breathing.

In all my 18 years of teaching Pilates I have always taught the importance of lateral breathing. often it gets overlooked. Some teachers don’t focus on it, some leave it out if clients don’t “get it”. But I am certain if you just keep practicing it will make all the difference to your PIlates.

90% of my clients start off as shallow breathers. Either breathing in and out to fast or holding their breath. Both of these things create tension and even anxiety in the body. Try this little exercise……………..

Place your hands on both sides of your ribcage. Inhale through your nose for a full, calm breath and see if you can expand your ribs sideways into your hands. (Imagine 2 balloons inflating). Exhale through your mouth for the same length of time, ribs should close down and together. Try about 8 breaths….how do you feel? My guess is calmer and more relaxed. If you just took a moment each day to practice breathing, i’m sure your body and mind would reap the benefits of this simple act.

Happy breathing!

Sarah x